Daniel Francis

Reading the National Narrative


January 3, 2018

It is a horrible time of year for book readers. First of all the countless lists of "best books "of the year gone by, published in all the respectable periodicals. All those great books you'll never read. It drives you crazy. Perhaps just a few, you say to yourself, as you scribble down your own, abbreviated listicle of titles. But no sooner do you have a manageable selection than the same periodicals start publishing their rosters of "most promising" books expected out in the coming year,...

December 18, 2017


December 3, 2017

I've just been down getting my first look at the Polygon Gallery which opened on the waterfront in North Vancouver a couple of weeks ago. The inaugural show inside this gorgeous space is called N. Vancouver and features a collection of photographs, installations and artifacts reflecting the North Vancouver experience.

My favourite piece in the show, because I've recently become interested in the history of squatting, is a large photo by...

November 26, 2017


A wonderful week in Ottawa included a visit to Parliament Hill to watch question period -- an unedifying experience -- and culminated in the Berton medal ceremony at Rideau Hall, an opportunity to meet the new Governor General. Above, the two of us share a grip 'n grin.

Thanks to Canada's History Society, not just for the award but for all the work it does promoting an...

November 8, 2017


It was announced this morning that I have received the Pierre Berton Award for 2017, aka the Governor General's History Award for Popular Media (try saying that three times with your mouth full).

Details here.

I'll be in Ottawa in a couple of...
