Daniel Francis

Reading the National Narrative


October 7, 2017


This space has been silent lately as I recover from knee replacement surgery. Rehab is a fulltime job.

Back soon. In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving from the wet coast.

September 6, 2017

The Ormsby Review has just published my review of a new book about history, car culture and landscape in British Columbia. Check it out here.

September 1, 2017

While I was writing my biography of Louis Taylor, Vancouver’s longest-serving mayor, I was used to having him called many things. Scoundrel, socialist, corrupt, light-weight. One thing no one ever called him was visionary, yet it turns out perhaps that’s what he was.

Taylor was a big fan of the American social theorist Henry George. In 1879 George published Progress and Poverty, one of the best-selling books of the 19th...

September 1, 2017

BC book publishers have a companion website, Read Local BC, promoting local books to which I was invited to contribute a small piece on writing local history. You can read it here.

July 30, 2017


The new issue of Geist magazine (#105) has hit the newsstands and careful readers will note that there is no books column by yours truly.

After I don't know how many years I decided to pass the torch to younger hands. And I was right to do so. The column by Lisa Bird-Wilson, in which she makes a plea for "reading Indigenously," is terrific. As is Mary...
